According to the National Education Association (NEA.Org), the national drop out rate is still high. In 2006, the national drop out rate was 68%. The Oregon Department of Education says drop out rates for Oregon are dropping. In 2006/2007 the rate dropped from 4.3% the previous year to 4.1%, which is about 7,400 students which may not seem like a lot for a state, but this number still should cause some alarm. What is even more shocking is the amount of students who study at home. According to NCES.Org, 12% of 4th graders spend one hour at home studying while the number increased to 37% of 12th graders. The numbers may increase as grade levels increase, however that means 63% of 12th graders are not studying at home.
Many things can cause students to drop out of school however one of the more common reasons is lack of study skills. It is a domino effect, poor study skills lead to low test scores which leads to stress for students which leads to dropping out. Learning to study properly is something that should be taught to students in elementary school. If the techniques were taught at a young age, more students would be prepared for the demands of high school and college. Some high school teachers go over study habits briefly, however their curriculum load is often heavy, making time for study skills comprehension less and less. Colleges usually offer a class to freshman which covers a number of things but specifically study skills. However this class becomes obsolete when the drop out rate is as high as it is. Many students are not attending a traditional four year college. Of those who are attending, less than one half of one percent have grades good enough to make the National Dean's Honor Roll List, according to their website.
School anxiety is not something that specifically targets grade school or high schools students, but all students. Students have been known to fake being sick just to stay home and avoid a test in Math. High school and college students are frequently seen pulling all niters to cram for a test or finish a project they waited till the last minute to start. Often there comes a point where they are no longer faking illness, but they cross the line into actually being sick. Stress can cause a number of health issues such as ulcers, depression, mental breakdowns, and sleep deprivation just to name a few.
Even the implication of studying can send some students into an instant panic, so it is time to change how students look at studying. Triggers can be anything, from the word "test" to opening a book. The second an action is requested, the student immediately becomes stressed or anxious. They have learned to associate the word "test" with panic. They learned somewhere whether it was from a teacher, parent or another student that when a test comes, you should be stressed or worried.
They key to successful learning and studying can be achieved through many routes, one new route shows promise for those coping with study anxiety. Hypnosis allows students to identify what their triggers are in a non threatening way. They are able to change their reaction and behavior when their trigger happens. Hypnosis works with each student individually and in a safe environment.
Of course there are other treatments out there such as medications or therapy. Medications of course work chemically to stop feelings of anxiety or stress in the student. However since medications do not deal with triggers or emotions, the treatment is not always successful. Therapy can be threatening to some students. They are asked to examine their emotions on a conscious level which can be threatening to them. Hypnosis does not use medication and works with the subconscious mind, allowing for less anxiety for the student.
With the amount of children not getting all they could from education, it is no surprise why the drop out rates are high. There are many different programs, whether they are through a therapist, hypnotist or simply a new teaching technique which offer increased study skills and improved test scores. As a parent you need to research and decide what is best for your student. But consider this, no one wants to cause more stress to an already tense student, there is not reason why the student can not learn new study skills in a safe environment.
About the Author
Patrick Glancy, BCH
Improve Study Skills with Hypnosis in Salem, Oregon
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