Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Organic Foods and Supplements

Organic food and produce have become so popular, that organic farms are having a difficult time keeping up with the demand. Organic, cage free, fertile eggs are much higher in nutritional value than regular commercial eggs.

Organic foods are better because they have no chemicals, preservatives, or any potentially harmful ingredients. In addition, emerging information about the high nutritional content of grass-fed meat and milk products is raising consumer awareness about the benefits of grass farming.

Nobel Prize winning bio-chemist, Linus Pauling put his finger on the problem when he said "Every disease has a nutritional cause. What we need is "Pasture Perfect Food" where animals are born and raised naturally, they roam free range pasture and have never been confined in a feedlot. Use of artificial growth hormones, preservatives or additives are banned and there is no routine use of antibiotics.

We should eat beef, lamb, chicken, turkey and fish, the things that God intended. The notion of eating foods that have beneficial effects on consumer health above those of adequate nutrition is one that sits well.

Raw food and organic supplements are two of nature's keys to health. Organic supplements have little or no side effects. They are made from the best of what nature has to offer, and are both powerful and earth-friendly. Organic supplements are not common and are expensive, but they do make a difference in our diet.

Organic supplements are much better for you than conventional supplements, and are a great way to complete your diet. Contrary to prescription tablets, organic supplements have no adverse effects and can be obtained without a prescription or expensive doctor's office visit. Eating organic and properly supplementing your diet will ensure a firm foundation for health, and your diet will not lack anything essential. Most all foods today are produced on commercial soils deficient in essential nutrients, or from animals that provide only toxic inorganic sources of nutrients.

Alternative health care supplements have several advantages over traditional pharmaceutic drugs. Supplements are essential in therapeutic all-natural health care programs, but it is a prerequisite that we choose the proper type.

Beware of any health care professional who recommends synthetic supplements. Synthetic supplements benefit the company that produces them; not your health.

Supplements are usually categorized as either natural (organic) or synthetic (inorganic). Since the condition of our body, and the degree of our health reflects the quality of the foods we eat, whole food supplements can do many things for you, such as:

* Boost your energy level * Revitalize your body's natural defense system * Increase your powers of memory and concentration.

Alternative supplements come in different forms, such tablets, capsules, gel caps, syrups, and drinkable liquids. Most people prefer solid supplements because they do not like the taste of herbs, but liquid supplements are generally more efficient.

Common sense should tell us we don't need synthetic (inorganic) supplements any more than we need synthetic food for breakfast. Most synthetic supplements are found in drug stores, pharmacies, department stores, and mail order catalogs.

Natural (organic) supplements are usually found with all-natural health care professionals, health food stores, and some mail order companies. Purchase your supplements from people who know the difference between natural and synthetic.

Organic Gardening

Organic gardening is the practice of producing crops by avoiding the use of synthetic chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, and growth regulators. Science is constantly discovering in the foods that we eat, new, beneficial substances that enhance wellness, especially if the foods are unprocessed and organic.

Organics For the Skin?

Organics have even made their way into skin-care and cosmetics. Organics keep skin more hydrated, supply more pure ingredients necessary to skin renewal, and give our skin a rest from having to filter out toxins and harmful ingredients. Most people who switch to an organic diet report a glow in their skin and their eyes, a smoother complexion, and fewer skin problems like allergies and break-outs.

The healthy option and the solution to avoiding toxin exposure from your cosmetics and skin care products is to adopt a certified organics approach. Long time exposure to chemicals that are absorbed into your skin can contribute to many health problems.

Buying and Eating Organic

Since organics have gained momentum in popularity, most grocers have devoted specific sections to organic products and carry organic the organic version of some fruits and vegetables.

No longer solely the domain of the granola set, organic food and personal care products have left the food co-op and hit the mainstream. Today, nearly all grocery stores boast organic food sections and consumers are taking notice. If you're new to organics and just want to get your feet wet, so to speak, it's a great time to start gradually overhauling your kitchen cupboards.

There's an organic replacement for almost everything in your cupboard. Many people think that going organic is more expensive, and while you may spend a little more at first, as organics have paved more of their way onto the scene, prices have consistently dropped. An organic diet gives your body the proper nourishment it needs without all the harmful and potentially dangerous additives.


Everyone knows by now that fast-food is the opposite of health food, but many still think that if it shows up in our local super market it is made with ingredients that are harmless to our health.

Almost all foods in the grocery stores today, unless they are specifically certified as organic, come from the big conglomerate owned farms. The routinely use artificial, or inorganic fertilizers. These fertilizers are chemically produced, sometimes from petroleum products. The bottom line for the majority of commercial food companies is profit, not healthy foods for you and your children. Our health pays a high price for this, because each one of these chemicals comes with adverse side effects.

We can only solve this problem when we make life-affirming choices in eating organic nutritious food, drinking plenty of clean pure water, detoxifying and cleansing, exercising, breathing healthy air, and living in harmony with nature.


Why All the Fuss About Calcium?

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body, vital to the formation of strong bones and teeth and for the maintenance of healthy gums. Magnesium is an essential mineral that must be present in a calcium formula for the body to properly absorb the calcium. Calcium must be from a food source or an organic fossilized source with the proper vitamins and minerals necessary to digest, absorb, assimilate and utilize the calcium.

Bio-availability is an important property since the value of the mineral is wasted if it is not taken up and absorbed by the body. The bio-availability, or amount actually absorbed by the body, of minerals in supplements has been a long-standing concern, and forms of the minerals that are shown through testing to be more bio-available are highly valued by consumers.

Calcium from Other Food Sources

Asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, collards, dandelion greens, turnip greens, kale, and actually any leafy greens are vegetables high in calcium.

Selenium is an essential trace mineral and is present in all the tissues of the body as an activating component of the enzyme glutathione peroxidase, which has been shown to protect cells from free radical damage.

Of all the nutrient allowances, the allowance for iron is the most difficult to obtain from dietary sources, which is why iron is the most common single mineral deficiency in the world. Zinc is an essential trace mineral that is required in relatively high doses and it is among the best selling individual trace minerals in the health food industry.

Despite the essential nature of zinc, the human body does not store this mineral, so the body is dependent upon a continual external supply. Manganese does not have an RDA, but is included in a number of mineral supplement products.


Of the 8,854 ads reviewed in a study, there were none for fruits or vegetables targeting children or teens. Fiber, an essential for good health, can be found in raw vegetables, fresh fruits, whole wheat bread (not bleached or enriched) and unprocessed grains. Fiber can easily be added by increasing your intake of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. To increase the amount of fiber in your diet, add more servings of fruit, vegetables, and whole grains to your daily diet.


Our body thrives on naturally occurring, whole, complex, real vitamins from foods, because vitamins in this form are more "potent" per milligram than synthetic laboratory fractions of vitamins.


If you're looking for an effective way to flush out toxins from your digestive system, relieve constipation and other lower intestinal problems, improve digestive function, increase your energy, lose weight, and just generally improve overall health, you should consider using a high-quality, organic colon cleanser.

Over time, as these toxins build up, we can gain weight, become chronically constipated, feel sluggish or lethargic, and experience yeast overgrowth, known as Candida. Common side effects associated with bad colon cleansers include:

* Nausea * Vomiting * Increased appetite * Weight gain * Bloating * Distention * Decreased frequency of bowel movements.

The back up of waste in your body can actually cause constipation weight gain even if you are eating less. Compaction can be caused by a number of conditions including:

* Failure to consume enough fiber * Failure to drink enough fluids * Use of pain relieving medication, antidepressants, anti-diarrhea medication, or antacids containing aluminum * Use of methadone typically used to treat drug addiction * Use of medications interfering with nerve and muscle function * Excessive use of laxatives * Undergoing extended bed rest * Kidney disease * Hemorrhoids * Heart disease * Cancer * Conditions limiting movement, such as cerebral palsy or dementia

Organic supplements are another option available for treating fecal compaction. You see, your colon can become quite clogged from years of eating bad foods (fatty meats, sweets, starchy side dishes, etc. But, the backed up waste will actually cause you to put on the pounds rather than lose them, even if you are eating less.

Cancer and Other Common Diseases

Cancer, obesity, allergies, asthma, arthritis, diabetes, alzheimers and heart disease are all symptoms of the 20th century diet. Higher intakes of selenium are needed to help fight heart disease and cancer, and some people, including those with chronic gastrointestinal disorders such as Crohns disease and Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), have trouble absorbing this mineral.

Many scientists agree at least 80% of the 200 different types of cancer known today are related to toxins and carcinogens from toxic and synthetic chemicals. A UK study discovered in breast cancer tumors traces of methyl parabens, which is a synthetic chemical commonly used in washes, anti-perspirants, deodorants, body creams, and lotions. Glutathione is the body's master antioxidant which helps fight off diseases such as cancer, aids, Gulf War Syndrome, fatigue, arthritis.

New research shows vitamin D slashes risk of cancers by 77 percent; cancer industry refuses to support cancer prevention.

Our bodies need natural (organic) supplements as opposed to synthetic (inorganic). Do not be mislead in believing synthetic (inorganic) supplements, with the addition of animal glands and organs, can help correct your health problems.

Organic foods and organic supplements are as close as you can get to what God had in mind. Organic supplements are used by hundreds of health practitioners, clinics and individuals throughout the world.

About the Author
Don George is widely recognized as an authority in the alternative health field. He and his family own and operate, a popular online supply station for products that are good for you. You may visit there to get your copy of a Special Toxic Dangers Report.

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