Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Improve Brain Function with Omega-3 Fish Oil

When a person has healthy brain, he/she can have a better memory and concentration. He/she will also be better in managing stress and increases his/her calmness. His/her creativity will even improve. The performance of our brain relies greatly on our diet.

Good things for the brain The brain has favorites. It has to have the following: oxygen, glucose and omega-3 fatty acids.

Bad things for the brain The brain has dislikes. The following are not good for the brain: inflammation, breaking out of neurotransmitters, and too much amount of cortisol.

Higher and more prolonged levels of cortisol in the bloodstream (like those associated with chronic stress) have been shown to have negative effects, such as impaired cognitive performance, suppressed thyroid function, blood sugar imbalances such as hyperglycemia, decreased bone density, decrease in muscle tissue and higher blood pressure.

How fish oil pills benefit the brain. The brain works with good nutrition. Believe it or not fish oil is good for the brain as it operates in the increasing of the dopamine levels. Dopamine has something to do with the pathways of the brain. It helps in the reduction of the indirect pathway and works otherwise for the direct pathway. The effect of this is that the action hormone of the brain is increased. This translates to an increased and better concentration. In your daily activities, it will benefit you since it enables you to focus better on your priorities. We need the best supplements for our brain health.

Omega 3 from fish oil also benefits the brain in the area of the brain's memory. In medical terms, stress is a result of too much amount of hormone cortisol which causes detriments to the memory and nerve cells of the brain.

When it comes to stress management, it is necessary to have a stable level of blood sugar. Inadequacy of blood sugar level will lead to the increase of cortisol level. However, increased blood sugar level is also beneficial since it aids in stress management.

Another composition is called serotonin which can affect the mood of an individual; low serotonin level sometimes lead to depression. An increase in the serotonin level of a person may improve his/her mood. This also has something to do with a person's calmness. The calmer such a person gets, the better he/she manages stress. The less stressed he/she is, the more capable he/she becomes creative.

Besides improving the brain function, there are many other health benefits of omega-3 fish oil for both children and adults to improve heart function, mental illness, learning ability, behavior disorder, cancer prevention and more.

Take the best supplements to improve brain function. The better brain health you have, the better life you'll live. Start with consuming the food that contains the nutrients the brain loves.

About the Author

Author's other sites - Fish Oil for Weight Loss, Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil.

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